Lessons Learned in Participant Recruitment and Attrition in a Longitudinal Study
Mary Pat Moeller
You can imagine trying to recruit a sample of this size is also challenging. And at each of the sites, we had strengths -- and clinical people who had a network of connections in their state. Those relationships that come through the clinic are really valuable to a researcher because ... Continue to Article >>
Using an Accelerated Longitudinal Design to Study Outcomes for Children Who Are Hard of Hearing
Mary Pat Moeller
I'll start with just a little bit of background. It's interesting that in contrast to a large number of studies that have been done with children who have cochlear implants, there really is a major gap in the evidence on children who are hard of hearing and wear hearing aids ... Continue to Article >>
Lessons Learned: Selecting and Implementing Measures for a Longitudinal Study with Children Who Are Hard of Hearing
Mary Pat Moeller
Age-Appropriate Measurement The measurement was a huge challenge because we were taking six months to six years of age, and so we need developmentally appropriate measures across all of these ages. And you don't want to change your measures at every age, because then it's complex to look longitudinally. So ... Continue to Article >>
Developing Good Tasks and the Task Impurity Problem in Cognitive and Linguistic Research
Malcolm McNeil
I've spent a life trying to develop tasks, that are good tasks, that actually measure what we think they measure. When I think about it, I think the one common factor going through anything that I've ever tried to do, I would call and other people have called the "task ... Continue to Article >>
Clinical Trials Concept Proposal: Thirty-One Essential Elements
Gordon B. Hughes
Presented at the Clinical Practice Research Institute (CPRI). Hosted by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Research Mentoring Network. Essential Elements 1. List the title of the proposed research, the Principal Investigator(s), and the institution(s). 2. If prior clinical trial experience is minimal, appoint clinical trial expert(s) as key personnel to help ... Continue to Article >>
A Clinically Meaningful Theory of Outcome Measurement in Rehabilitation
Robert Massof
The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. I'm going to be talking about more theory than models that so at least most of what I have to say is model-free, it doesn't depend on which model you're going to be using. However, I'm going to ... Continue to Article >>
NIH Initiatives to Improve Measurement: PROMIS and Toolbox
Karon F. Cook
The following is a transcript of the presentation video, edited for clarity. I'm delighted to talk to you about NIH initiatives to improve measurement. They have some similarities between them, and I will point those out. The first one I'm going to talk about is PROMIS. I'm going to start ... Continue to Article >>
Notes on Group Treatment Studies and Detecting and Establishing Important Findings
Randall R. Robey
The following slides accompanied a presentation delivered at ASHA's Clinical Practice Research Institute. Overview of Group Studies of Treatment Adapted from Gallin & Ognibene (2007). A straightforward challenge in logical conclusion Events, e.g., Death Disease state Successful treatment outcome Return to work Discharge to independent living Ecological or correlational designs ... Continue to Article >>
Notes on Maturing Lines of Programmatic Clinical Research
Randall R. Robey
The following slides accompanied a presentation delivered at ASHA's Clinical Practice Research Institute. The Logic of a Staged System of Clinical Research Let's examine the fundamental logic underpinning a staged system of clinical research (that is easily applied to patient-oriented research) as developed in medicine. A protocol achieving status as ... Continue to Article >>
Notes on Precision, Accuracy, Confounds, and Effect Modifiers
Randall R. Robey
The following slides accompanied a presentation delivered at ASHA's Clinical Practice Research Institute. Precision and Accuracy Adapted from Hulley, et al. (2007) . Just about every statistic (descriptive and inferential) is an expression of a basic ratio. In the numerator goes a measurement of the influence of the research hypothesis ... Continue to Article >>