If you read articles in the ASHA journals and then share your opinions on the research and findings with your colleagues, you gain important knowledge in the process—but you could also advance your career by volunteering to work on our team. Becoming an editorial board member (EBM) looks great on your CV and gives you a unique networking opportunity in your area of expertise!

Every year, hundreds of researchers share their expertise as members of the editorial board for one of ASHA’s five journals. If you’ve ever wanted to join this impressive group and become an EBM for your favorite ASHA journal, now’s the time to apply!

What Makes a Good Candidate?

EBMs are expected to review a minimum of 8–10 articles per year. These individuals possess a high degree of expertise in their specialty (or specialties), have experience reviewing manuscripts, and are committed to providing timely, high-quality reviews.

All EBMs agree to a 1-year term, and they can seek to serve multiple years in this role. Because articles are published continuously throughout the year, we expect EBMs to be available throughout the year so they can serve their editor as needed.

Why Become an EBM?

There are so many great reasons to become an EBM! Here are just a few:

  • EBMs contribute to the quality, value, and reputation of the research published in ASHA’s journals by reviewing most of the articles that we publish.
  • EBMs are recognized on ASHAWire for their contributions and may be able to earn professional development hours, depending on the number of articles that they review.
  • Serving as an EBM is a crucial first step to getting further involved with ASHA’s journals. In fact, most of our editors-in-chief and editors started as EBMs!

Pro Tip: We also recommend that EBMs use a service such as Web of Science™ Researcher Profiles to easily verify your service while protecting the anonymity of peer review. This service allows you to claim and verify each review that you perform—ensuring that you get adequate credit for all your hard work.

Get More Information and Apply

If you’d like more information about the role of EBMs, be sure to start with our Peer Review Excellence Program (PREP). There, you can find more information about the peer review process and the role that the EBM plays.

Applications for EBMs are open until September 19, so be sure to apply—or send the link to your perfect candidate—as soon as you can! Candidates should hear back on their application status by early November.

More Ways To Get Involved  

If now’s not the right time for you to become an EBM, please consider becoming an ad hoc reviewer for ASHA Journals! By creating a profile on one of our journals’ Editorial Manager® sites, you’ll immediately make yourself available to all of the editors of that journal.

Be sure to fill out as much information as you can—including your areas of expertise—when creating your Editorial Manager® Profile. This will make it easier for editors to find you and invite you to review articles. Like EBMs, you can use Web of Science’s® Researcher Profiles to claim and verify each review that you perform.

We are so grateful for the EBMs and ad hoc reviewers who use their expertise to make the ASHA journals better every day. We can’t wait to read your application and “meet” all of our reviewers next year!