As many of ASHA’s school-based speech-language pathologists (SLPs) look ahead to a bit of time off during the holiday season, the latest issue of Perspectives contains some great resources worth checking out! Special Interest Group 1, Language Learning and Education, presents two forums in the latest issue of Perspectives. These eight articles focus primarily on adolescents.

Language and Executive Function

The first forum, “Language and Executive Function,” explores the connection between language development and executive function development. Guest editor Jill K. Fahy writes that, for adolescents, “[s]uccess is dependent upon executive function (EF) skills, an array of complex metacognitive processes that, when fully developed, allow for self-regulated and adaptive behaviors” (Fahy & Browning, 2021, p. 1327).

The first two articles focus on students with specific language impairment (SLI) and/or developmental language disorder (DLD). In the first article of the forum, Kapa and Mettler looked at self-directed speech, which is positively associated with executive function but is delayed in children with SLI and/or DLD. Then, Fahy and Browning propose a clinical model of language therapy for adolescents with DLD and executive function deficits.

In the final article in the forum, Meltzer and colleagues discuss teaching executive function strategies in the classroom. The authors highlight that teaching executive function skills benefits all children in the classroom—not just those with a language disorder.

Language Interventions for Older Students

The second forum is titled “Contextualized Language Interventions for Older Students.” SLPs face additional challenges, including feelings of helplessness and less motivation, when working with students in secondary grades.

Guest Editor Teresa A. Ukrainetz and coauthor Amy K. Peterson present a new solution in the first article in the forum, linking oral, written, and graphic learning strategies for older students with language and learning difficulties. Next, Fallon and colleagues showcase semantic reasoning, an evidence-based vocabulary teaching approach, and provide step-by-step guides for incorporating it into the classroom.

Then, Julie A. Wolter and SIG 1 Editor Laura Green present a blended approach that includes literacy strategies in the context of the academic science curriculum, providing two lesson examples. Ginger A. Collins follows with a case example showing how to incorporate motivation and behavior change techniques with older students—something that can be done through telepractice.

The forum ends with a tutorial for school-based SLPs and classroom teachers on working together to help older students with language delays and impairments. Dunaway and Lewis also provide support materials, including an instructional video.

About Perspectives and SIG 1

We’d like to thank Jill K. Fahy and Teresa A. Ukrainetz for their contributions as guest editors to these two forums. In addition, we’d like to thank Laura Green for her service as SIG 1 editor, providing Perspectives readers with forums on a wide range of topics during her tenure as editor.

We hope that school-based SLPs find resources in these two forums that they can use in their daily work. Perspectives provides a unique focus on bridging the gap between research and practice, making it a great resource for any ASHA member. Perspectives is free to members of any of ASHA’s 19 Special Interest Groups, so if you aren’t a member already, learn more about how to join!

Explore the Forums

Language and Executive Function

Fahy, J. K., & Browning, D. K. (2021). Adolescent language therapy: Syntax and semantics for reasoning and planning. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 6(6), 1327–1342.

Kapa, L. L., & Mettler, H. M. (2021). Language and executive function in preschoolers with developmental language disorder: The role of self-directed speech. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 6(6), 1315–1326.

Meltzer, L., Greschler, M. A., Davis, K., & Vanderberg, C. (2021). Executive function, metacognition, and language: Promoting student success with explicit strategy instruction. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 6(6), 1343–1356.

Contextualized Language Interventions for Older Students

Collins, G. G. (2021). Motivating adolescents to participate in literacy intervention: A case example from telepractice. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 6(6), 1398–1412.

Dunaway, C., & Lewis, C. (2021). Using a collaborative academic conversation approach to improve language and literacy. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 6(6), 1413–1423.

Fallon, K. A., Lawrence, B., & Seifert, D. (2021). Semantic reasoning: Building vocabulary with critical thinking skills. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 6(6), 1374–1383.

Ukrainetz, T. A., & Peterson, A. K. (2021). Sketch & speak: An oral, written, and graphic expository strategy intervention for secondary students. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 6(6), 1357–1373.

Wolter, J., & Green, L. (2021). Supporting content and disciplinary literacy success for adolescents with LLD: A blended and contextualized morphological awareness strategy approach. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 6(6), 1384–1397.