When you serve as a peer reviewer for ASHA Journals, you’re doing your part to provide fellow ASHA members with access to the latest information. In addition to advancing the sciences, you can also be making important progress in your career by taking advantage of tools to help you track and get credit for your work as a reviewer.

Our Commitment to Reviewers

To maintain the integrity of single anonymized review, we never publicly list individual reviewers. We’ve provided a way to make sure our reviewers’ work is acknowledged by partnering with Web of Science Researcher Profiles to help our reviewers track their reviews.

In 2024 alone, reviewers for ASHA’s journals added nearly 2,000 reviews to their Web of Science Researcher Profiles automatically in Editorial Manager. Now, we’re partnering with Open Research and Contributor ID (ORCID) to give editorial board members (EBMs) and ad hoc reviewers another way to track and highlight your review work.

Your Research and Reviews in One Place With ORCID

Chances are you already use ORCID to help build your CV by keeping all your articles in one place. Now, it’s just as easy to track your reviews with ASHA Journals through ORCID as well!

If you have your ORCID iD linked to your Editorial Manager account already, you can opt in to get credit for each review you complete. Each time you perform a review, you’ll see a box asking if you consent to add this review to your ORCID record. Click “authorize,” and you’re done!

Make the Most of Your ORCID iD

The next time you log in to Editorial Manager to submit a draft or revision, make sure your profile contains your ORCID iD. As an added bonus, you can use your ORCID credentials to log in to Editorial Manager—that’s one less password to remember!

ORCID is crucial for differentiating you from other researchers who have similar names—and even tracking your work after a name change. You can learn more about setting up an account and linking it with ASHA Journals on the ASHA Journals Academy.

It’s a Win/Win

Whether you’ve set up an account with ORCID, Web of Science, or both, getting credit for your reviews is as easy as checking a box during your review. So be sure to create an account with ORCID and/or Web of Science before you complete your next review for an ASHA journal!

Everyone benefits when you help ASHA’s journals bring the latest research to our readers while also making important strides in your career. You can keep all your work in one place through ORCID and Web of Science, saving you time when updating your CV.

We’d like to thank the thousands of EBMs, reviewers, and authors who contribute to ASHA’s journals every year. We hope that you take advantage of these unique services while continuing to help ASHA members around the world by helping us bring them high-quality articles every day.