If you haven’t checked in recently, our Special Collections section contain more information than ever before! We’ve added more than 100 articles to our Special Collections—including up-to-date resources on key issues. Explore new, updated, and archived Special Collections so you can stay on top of the latest subjects in the sciences!

Updated Collections

We’ve updated our Special Collection on Audiologic and Aural Rehabilitation in Military Service Members and Veterans with even more articles investigating issues such as the impact of diabetes on hearing loss in veterans and the use of cochlear implants in veterans. These articles are crucial for audiologists treating the 1.3 million veterans in the United States with hearing loss.

ASHA has long advocated for interprofessional education and interprofessional practice (IPE/IPP). The updated Special Collection on this topic contains new information for audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and school-based practitioners looking to collaborate to better serve their clients.

Finally, our Special Collection on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion contains more than 20 new articles, including new forums on increasing diversity in ASHA’s workforce and graduate schools’ use of holistic admission strategies. These articles and resources can help ASHA members navigate a changing world and confront the biases and assumptions around them. 

Disability Advocacy

ASHA members help people with largely invisible disabilities every day. Our latest Special Collection on  Disability Advocacy also focuses on taking a neurodiversity-affirming perspective.

The centerpiece of the forum is a recent forum in Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools (LSHSS) on resisting ableism. The collection contains 18 additional articles plus links to evidence maps from ASHA and selected episodes of the ASHA Voices podcast.

Archived Collections

It has been more than 3 years since the COVID-19 pandemic reached the United States, changing the work lives of ASHA members everywhere. The ASHA Journals developed a Special Collection full of telepractice resources for ASHA members who found themselves having to pivot their service models with little notice. Once research on COVID-19 itself became available, we followed with a second collection on the effect of the pandemic on ASHA members.

These collections are now available in the Special Collections Archive. Although they are no longer being updated, professionals who are looking to expand their telepractice offerings or learn about the impact of COVID-19 on the professions can find what they’re looking for in this Special Collections Archive.

Explore the Special Collections

You can find all of this and more on ASHAWire’s Special Collections page. Articles in the Special Collections span professions and workplace settings, meaning there’s always something for you! Check out the full list of links to all eight Special Collections below.

Audiologic and Aural Rehabilitation in Service Members and Veterans

Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning

Disability Advocacy

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Interprofessional Education / Interprofessional Practice

Over-the-Counter Hearing Devices

COVID-19 and CSD (Archived)

Telepractice Resources (Archived)