Tag: single subject design

Single-Subject Experimental Design: An Overview

Single-subject experimental designs – also referred to as within-subject or single case experimental designs – are among the most prevalent designs used in CSD treatment research. These designs provide a framework for a quantitative, scientifically rigorous approach where each participant

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Treatment Fidelity in Single-Subject Designs

Treatment fidelity, also called procedural integrity or treatment integrity, refers to the methodological strategies used to evaluate the extent to which an intervention is being implemented as intended. Maintaining high treatment fidelity helps ensure that changes observed during a study

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CREd Library

Issues In Single-Subject Research

The following slides accompanied a presentation delivered at ASHA’s Clinical Practice Research Institute. Data speak, not men… “Designs have inherent rigor but not all studies using a design are rigorous” — Randy; yesterday “Illusion of strong evidence…”– Gilbert, McPeek &

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