Category: Academics and Research

Academics and Research

Implementation Science: Revisited

Eight years ago, I (Natalie) asked the communication sciences and disorders (CSD) community if they thought “implementation science” was a buzzword or a game changer (Douglas,  Campbell, & Hinckley, 2015). My colleagues and I went on to suggest that implementation

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Academics and Research

Advancing IPE and Equity in Complex Systems of Care

As health care and interprofessional educators and practitioners, we find ourselves at a crucial time for making change in how we educate and how we deliver services that are most impactful. Interprofessional education (IPE) is grounded in four competency areas

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Academics and Research

Caregiving After COVID-19: Where Do We Go From Here?

This spring marks the 1-year anniversary of our “new normal.” It is a challenging remembrance for those of us who spent the past year juggling caregiving responsibility with full-time work, while feeling socially isolated and/or forgotten by society. Local governments

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Academics and Research

Next Steps in SLP Education

The current educational model for speech-language pathologists (SLPs) was established when the master’s became the entry-level degree in 1963. Since then, the educational model for SLPs has evolved incrementally with standards being added periodically, such as the recently added knowledge

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